COVID-19 Urban Health Vulnerability Index


The COVID-19 Urban Health Vulnerability Index (UHVI) helps local health planners, governments, NGOs, and community leaders identify urban populations at high risk for COVID-19, including older adults and people with serious medical conditions. The UHVI integrates disparate data sources, including information from the CDC, U.S. Census, COVID-19 cases, and healthcare facility data. Information is displayed geographically and accompanied by a dashboard for clear, intuitive insights.

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500 Cities + 175 Metro Areas

The UHVI includes data for cities and metro areas across the United States to help users identify neighborhoods most vulnerable to a COVID-19 outbreak.


Hyper Local Scale

The UHVI layers health and social indicators to calculate a vulnerability score, on a spectrum from low to high, at the census tract level for urban areas.


Health + Social Indicators

Users can drill down to view specific metrics, including the prevalence of serious medical conditions, distance to medical facilities, demographic information, and number of COVID-19 cases.

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Resources + Services

Communities can use the tool to connect people with the nearest resources and services. Icons for hospitals, assisted living, public WiFi access, and free meals can be toggled on and off.

Driving Results

  • TIM KELLER, Mayor of Albuquerque

    “For us, part of this is also understanding what’s happening in our community and then communicating the details with respect to where services are for folks who need them.”

  • SOLOMON MOOR, Bay Area Journalist

    “What makes RS21’s tool so great is that it highlights what’s happening around the pandemic at the local level, which is really where we have a public information gap. It shows how vulnerabilities in the population are exacerbating the process”

  • DR. JAKE ALLEN, Associate Superintendent

    “Moorseville Schools used the maps to determine which school gyms could serve as spillover sites for equipment and hospital needs. “We’re sharing the information in the maps with hospitals to help them out. They have so much useful data in them that users can digest in an easy format.”


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