Urban Pandemic Preparedness Dashboard


The Urban Pandemic Preparedness Dashboard (UPPD) enables city leaders and emergency responders to understand the neighborhoods most at risk to contagious disease outbreaks. By mapping the vulnerability and resilience within cities, the tool helps governments and leaders make smarter decisions about how to better support response and recovery efforts.

Building upon RS21's Urban Health Vulnerability Index, the open-source tool offers a centralized repository of data pertaining to health risks, social and economic vulnerabilities, and digital preparedness.

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40 Metrics

More than 40 metrics are combined into an index allowing users to easily track who is at risk. The tool was immediately adopted by Los Angeles, Chicago, Bristol, and Amsterdam.

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Hyper-Local Scale

The real-time dashboard combines high quality data of infections and fatalities together with healthcare capacities, social and economic conditions and access to high-speed broadband at a hyper-local scale.

Driving Results

“During major crises, access to actionable information is critical. Automated data analytics can help leaders make smarter decisions about when, where, and how to better support vulnerable people recover and rebuild.”
— Robert Muggah, Principal of The SecDev Group


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